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Alma Ziv Caspin

A specialist and certified teacher for teaching Hebrew

to speakers of Arabic.

I am a professional, esteemed, and highly experienced teacher of Hebrew, for middle and high school students, as well as for adults.

I gained my qualification to teach the Hebrew language in two stages:

The first, at the Jewish-Arab Center for Peace in Givat Haviva,

and the other, in the national program for teaching Hebrew in the Arab community, Hebrew + .

The program is run by the Ministry of Labor in collaboration with Joint Israel, the Ministry of Economy, and Digital Israel.

Since 2019 and up until today, I have taught Arabic-speaking youth in intermediate and high schools.

For the last two years, I have taught Hebrew to men and women over the age of 18 in the Arab community, including Arabic-speaking students at David Yellin College, East Jerusalem campus, in an array of levels, from basic to advanced knowledge of Hebrew.​

The learners meet and communicate in Hebrew with Jewish teachers, sometimes for the first time. This way, they are exposed to authentic Hebrew as it is spoken in Jewish society, with all the nuances familiar to native speakers.

The presence of a Jewish teacher allows for the creation of dialogue that accepts the other's differences and helps overcome the existing language barriers among the courses’ participants.

To my delight, in recent years, bridges have been built between Arab countries and Israel.

At this point in time, I feel that the time has come to expand the scope of my work and act to bring the peoples closer, even beyond the borders of my country.

I invite you to join me and embark on a shared journey to learn the Hebrew language and Israeli culture

How it all began?

I hold a B.Ed. and a teaching certificate in music, with a specialization in music and movement therapy since 1999.

I later studied integrative coaching to address emotional, social, and educational issues.

My career started when I became a music and movement therapist.

From 2002 to 2014, I worked in both public institutions and at my private clinic as an individual and group therapist, personal coach for teenagers, and parent counselor. I also worked in schools and a therapeutic boarding school with children and teenagers at high risk.


Throughout my work with them, trust and significant bonds were built, leading to impressive achievements on both personal and group levels.


Throughout the years, I have made close and friendly relations with people from different backgrounds.

The openness between us aroused their motivation for change and learning.

In the past ten years, I have devoted myself to teaching.

Reaching each and every one, discovering the creativity within the students, and empowering them have been my guiding principles throughout my work.

​When I teach Arabic speakers Hebrew, I feel that I have reached my true calling, my mission:​​

Connecting my pedagogical knowledge, heart, and soul.

Here I manage to contribute, communicate, develop, and grow.

Let’s Make Things Happen

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