What goes through your mind when you see the word "Israel", or when you recognize Hebrew letters?
Are you surprised?
Maybe curious?
Do you feel suspicion and antagonism?
If you're here, it's a sign that one way or another, with or without mixed feelings, we have already managed to cross the first barrier and you understand that there is something different and special here.
In Israel, I teach Hebrew in the Arab community because I have complete faith in coexistence, equality, and the mutual interest that our country prospers economically and socially.
Since Hebrew is the official language of the state, proficiency and mastery of it will assist in daily life and optimal integration into the work and academic environment.
My therapeutic career, from which I come, taught me to look at people eye to eye, without bias or judgment.
On the first encounter with any person, I immediately search for a window to his or her soul.
This encounter, from heart to heart, starts a journey of dialogue, acquaintance, mutual healing, and shared growth.
Today – I want to reach Arab countries and meet you, real people, in the same room.
I believe that as human beings we are similar because deep inside we all crave compassion and love and can connect with one another.

I feel this is my mission – to create the space where we can dissolve stigmas and create listening and closeness.
This is not just another language school that teaches the technique of a language, but rather the realization of my vision to bridge cultural and differences in perspectives through teaching the Hebrew language
I want to get to know you, and you to get to know my people and me, and together,
Simply – Communicate.